My name is Lee Alexander but everyone calls me Lee Bob. I am a Middle Level Math and Science Major at Edinboro University. I am 28 years old and I have been married to my beautiful wife Sara since September of 2007. We live in an old farmhouse that we are in the process of remodeling.
I worked as a contractor with my Dad for seven years before deciding to go back to college. I wanted to become a teacher because I love working with youth! I have been the Youth Director at my church for almost seven years now and I have found that I have a passion for teaching.
Once I knew I wanted to teach I had to decide what I wanted to teach. My Mom is a second grade teacher, so I knew I didn't want to teach the little kids! My favorite age group from working with the youth at my church was the seventh and eighth graders. Once I narrowed down the age group to middle level I had to decide on the content that I wanted to teach. Science was an obvious choice for me and when I found out that I could choose two I threw Math in there as well.
I would love to work at Northwestern Middle School teaching seventh or eighth grade Science. That would be my first choice. I will however take the first job I can get! I am excited to mold young minds and I can't wait to get out there and teach!
This blog will hopefully give me an opportunity to learn more about the blogging world and expand my abilities to teach and reach students. It will also be a sounding board for my thoughts and concerns about topics related to education.
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